As an animal healer and intuitive, clients are often surprised when I encourage their animal companion to eat grass. With spring approaching and grass (finally) appearing, your companion may start seeking out those areas where grass is growing. Of course, make sure that the grass has not been chemically treated.

If you grow grass indoors for your animals, you may want to try wheat grass that is often sold in the produce section (for humans who juice) of your grocery stores. It looks greener, healthier than the grass purchased from a pet store; hence, this is probably the explanation why my cats seem to enjoy the wheat grass more plus it lasts longer than grass from the petstore .

Cats especially need the chlorophyll that the grass provides. Not getting their greens is a partial explanation why so many cats have vomit and hairball issues. Chlorophyll helps all animals with the absorption of minerals and nutrient absorption. Eat your greens

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