‘I am aware that only a few posts ago I wrote about liver.  Due to many chronic cases lately, I felt it was important to discuss more in hopes of helping others who are suffering.  Common ways the liver sends a signal of needing help are:

– Digestive issues   (bile, gurgling stomach, loose or bloody stools, irritable bowel, desperate for grass)
– Allergies (food and/or environment)
– Easily overheated/excessive panting
– Fatty tumors, cysts\r\n- Hot spots or other skin issues
– Restless at night
– Licking (not only the body but things like carpet, furniture, even the air)
– Smacking of the lips
– Eye matter
– Ear infections
– Seizures

I think we can relate how incredibly uncomfortable it can be to have some of these symptoms.  If your animal friend has some or even all these symptoms, the liver will not necessarily show up on a medical test, but it is often apparent to client”s that their animal is having a lot of symptoms providing proof as to why I am “seeing” the liver as the concern even before being aware of the animal”s symptoms.  (I prefer not to be told upfront what the concerns are)

If a test did show liver concerns, I would not recommend the vet’s treatment of drugs as this will only add more stress (toxins) for the liver.  It may suppress some of the above symptoms, but it definitely is not helping the liver to recover.  Some vets may recommend an herb such as Milk Thistle or a liver cleanse–this approach is often too much of a “one size fits all” mentality and can cause more issues.

I have the most success when all we do is work on specific proteins for an animal depending on his particular symptoms, encourage clients to walk them to help system to clear, stop all drugs or medicated shampoos or creams,  stop re-vaccinating and discontinue chemicals for fleas and ticks

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