I would like you to meet Ruby through the words of her mom, Michelle:

“Ruby, our 13-year old Lab/Rott mix, was in great pain when we called Bonnie in 2009. Ruby could not get up on our bed, would whimper and squirm during the night. She was unable to walk more than 12-15 feet before she would collapse and cry in pain. Her back-end would not work without extreme pain! She trembled and cried when she held herself to pee. She was licking and itching excessively and had dry, flaky skin. Her breathing was labored and asthmatic sounding.

We were sure we were going to loose her. Working with Bonnie, Ruby’s demeanor improved immediately. Over the next couple of weeks Ruby began to be playful again for her age, and her pain seemed to all but disappear. She was able to jump in and out of the car and yes, back on our bed! She still scratches and licks a bit but decreased dramatically, and her coat is now shiny and the dry patches are gone. Since the initial healings in 2009, Ruby has done very well until this summer. It was hard to see our precious girl suffering.She needed a “tune up”. We did one healing, and she is back to her love of swimming and getting in the boat to go fishing.We are so grateful to see her back to her happy self.”

An animal can experience great results from the energy healing work, and it is possibly that in the future a “tune up” may be needed as it was for Ruby. It is similar to us—we may get results from a health practitioner and in the future we may need their help again to maintain our results because bodies are constantly changing and aging.David and Michelle called thinking they were going to lose Ruby and now two years later, Ruby is living well! More testimonials on site.

Be well,Bonnie

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