Last week I shared that a long-time client gifted a healing for her brother’s dog who was having back problems.  I thought you might appreciate an update.  Her brother’s dog, Jennifer, in S. Carolina is 14 years old and was having difficulty with mobility—hindquarters were weak.   I followed up today to see how Jennifer is since her energy healing treatment last week.  Her “dad” reports that the back end has more strength, that Jennifer is brighter and has more energy, and she is now able to put her front paw/legs up on a chair which she could not do previously.

Prior to contacting me, Jennifer had been put on drugs which only made her sleep all the time but also she was showing signs of liver distress–constant licking, shiver/shaking, and panting more.  We plan to do a second healing session today which hopefully will totally heal her spine issues.and all in the comfort of her home and without the stress of the drugs.

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