Animals diagnosed with asthma are usually put on drugs. Some endure an inhaler with a mask covering their little faces. In my cases, either method (oral or inhaler) was a steroid. The client may not know it as it is not always named such upfront.

The steroid can decrease inflammation making things appear (sound) better, but it does not heal the condition. That is why you have to continue to do it, which in turn causes other problems. Medical doctors avoid extended use of steroids because of side affects, but I have worked with animals who were on steroids for years. There is a way to help these animals. I prescribe a diet specific for the animal along with the energy healing.

The process begin with a phone consultation.  Animals respond exceptionally well to this approach.

“My cat Kitty was coughing several times a day. The herbs and diet recommended by the vet was not helping. Since working with Bonnie, Kitty has only coughed a couple of times over the past two months when previously she would do that in one day. She is also playing again.”                  -Lynne Knutson, St. Paul,

“…our 15 year Persian, Pookie…plays more than ever and no longer wheezes.”     -Cindi & Bill Guion, Austin, TX

It takes a lot of energy if one is not able to breathe easily which is why clients often notice that in addition to no more wheezing or coughing, their animal is more engaged in life and playful once again.

Be well, Bonnie

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